Hello I am Grace…
My name is Grace and I have always been drawn to healing naturally and helping people improve their lives, for 10 years I was a Weight Watchers’ leader and helped hundreds if not thousands improve their life by losing weight, (I even helped one lady lose 10 stone in one year so it was a great achievement for us both), through the time I have always been drawn to energy healing and my first energy healing technique I learned was I.E.T integrated energy therapy with Gretta Murphy.
My passion is to help people heal their bodies so that they can live life to the full without any stress, pain or worry.
My main practice is Biokinesiology because it aims to get to the root cause of your symptoms. Biokinesiology focus on the biochemical pathways in the body among other imbalances and using Biokinesiology and muscle testing I aim to find the root cause of your health problems.
Biokinesiology never ceases to amaze me or my clients as I help them to improve their health and I show them through the use of muscle testing what I have found. Each client is different with different symptoms, and each client will be given a personalised healing programme to suit their needs and will include advice on diet, lifestyle changes, nutritional supplements, Bach flower remedies etc
I then went on to become a master in it and teach it and since then I have added a few more to the list so I am trained also as a Reiki Master, crystal healing, angel/ tarot diplomas, Access Bars, Raw Food diploma, Ear Candling and my favourite of all is Biokinesiology. In my clinic I use all these modalities in my practice to encourage the body back to balance and health.
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